You asked for it and we now have it: an Emotional Support Group meeting on a phone conference call!
It will meet at a different date and time from the face-to-face group that meets the fourth Saturday of each month in L.A.
Like the face-to-face meeting, this phone conference is based upon 12 Step principles, and provides registrants and their loved ones with an opportunity to discuss personal challenges.
However, unlike the face-to-face meeting, no one is allowed to just drop in to the meeting. The exact meeting date and time will not be announced publicly.
If you want to attend, the group leader wants to talk with you first to ensure we don’t get inappropriate callers.
As soon as possible, send the group leader your name, phone, and the best times to call you.
Compose and send him this information in an Email. The email address you will type into the TO field of your email is
Important technical tip: This is not a web page link! It is an email address. Most people have a browser that is smart enough to let you click on this email address and it will open your email program with the TO address already filled out. However, your browser may not have this capability and instead give you an error. If so, you have to manually type into your TO field.
After he receives your email and talks to you, he will then give you the date and time of the phone conference call, and the conference number.
We are excited to offer this. Come join us! You will find hope and encouragement at the Emotional Support Group phone meeting.
Great thinking crew! I’m out of state in WI, but I’d listen in.